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Resource - Medieval Churches - Gothic Architecture

Gothic Architecture began in France around the 12th Century, originally known as "The French Style". This beautiful website explores this wonderful period or style, including architecture terms and links to stunning examples:

Research - Medieval Churches and Cathedrals

Churches were often built as elaborately, or even more elaborately, than castles. Cathedrals were churches that contained a seat for (or held the office of) a bishop, a position of great power, often acting as a councelor (or chancellor) to the monarch. Although cathedrals held positions of importance, not all were massive works of art. Since churches collected taxes and tithes from local citizens, they often became very wealthy and powerful. They also found power through the use of relics (supposedly) belonging to saints which led to pilgrimmages.

A listing of medieval churches:

Review - Website - WordCounter

Need to know which words you use frequently or how many times you used words sorted by frequency? Then check out this free to use website:

Word Counter

Easy to use and quick.